Pit Type Weigh Bridge

Pit Mounted Weighbridge

Our weighbridge deck offers higher strength, greater reliability and faster installation suitable where there is space limitation. In pit mounted weighbridge the entire deck will be flushed with ground level. Major steel structural and load cells are not visible. Pit type weighbridges needs very less area compared to surface mounted weighbridge due to absence of ramps.

Pit Mounted Weigh Bridge


  • High strength reinforced mild steel weighbridge structure

  • Designed for heavy weighment & harsh environment

  • Each & Every parts are dismantle for easy transportation and installation

  • Load cell assembly is designed and manufactured very precisely to absorb excessive impact force caused when vehicle enters & leaves the weighbridge

  • All load cells are mounted on mounting assembly for better accuracy and repeatability

  • Ramps not required hence can be constructed in less space

  • Deck installed at ground level hence vehicle can easily enter and leave weighbridge

  • Ribs are weilded continuously which ensures high transom strength.

Standard Size & Capacity

Model No. Capacity (kg) Resolution (kg) Platform Size (in Meter) No. of Load Cells
MWB-5 5000 1 3 x 2, 4.25 x 2.15 4
MWB-10 10000 1/2 4.25 x 2.15, 5 x 2.5 4
MWB-20 20000 2 5 x 2.5, 5.5 x 2.5, 6 x 2.5 4
MWB-30 30000 5 6.75 x 3, 7.5 x 3 4
MWB-40 40000 5 7.5 x 3, 9 x 3 4
MWB-50 50000 5 7.5 x 3, 9 x 3, 12 x 3, 15 x 3, 16 x 3 4/6
MWB-60 60000 10 7.5 x 3, 9 x 3, 12 x 3, 15 x 3 4/6/8
MWB-80 80000 10 9 x 3, 12 x 3, 15 x 3, 16 x 3, 18 x 3 4/6/8
MWB-100 100000 10 12 x 3, 15 x 3, 16 x 3, 18 x 3, 20 x 3 4/6/8

Specifications shown are subject to change as a result of continuous product improvement.