Services & Support
For the benefit of our customers we offer Annual Maintenance of your weighbridge
At Matrix we believe that Weighbridge is a watch dog for any industries to check the flow of incoming & outgoing material which directly helps in profit protection. Matrix weighbridges also help you to bring in require speed and accuracy in weighment of material.
The rationale behind the purchase of Matrix weighbridge is to stop the pilferage, control the movement of material and protect against human error and other frauds.
Preventive and regular maintenance of your weighbridge ensures the smooth functioning and foolproof check on pilferage or fraud in material movement can save huge amount for year after year. Our skilled engineer will preempt problems and deal effectively with repairs thus eradicating the risk of escalating service and breakdown time.

Four preventive maintenance visits in equal time period during the contract period.
Emergency visit whenever required in addition to pre scheduled maintenance visit during the contract period.
Junction PCB replacement.
Load cell cable replacement.
Load cell replacement.
Additional Display Coverage.
Fasteners for full machine at the time of dismantling / re-erection.
Supervision of dismantling and re-installation of the weighbridge in the contract period in case of location change.