Belt Weighing System Supplier

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Belt Weighing System Supplier

Matrix Weighing Systems Pvt. Ltd. is a successful Belt Weighing System Supplier and Manufacturer in India. Matrix Weighing Systems Pvt. Ltd. was established in 2007 with a strong vision to deliver the most reliable & economical solutions in the weighing industry.

Belt Weighing System has accepted means of moving bulk materials in process industries. With the advent of this fast mode of transportation, accounting for the quantity of material transferred assumes great importance. Since weight remains the most reliable index of material accounting and can be measured directly and precisely, designers can offer accurate weighing systems to maintain higher accuracy and better accountability in the process. Belt weighers also known as belt weighing scales are equipment that measures the quantity of material that has been conveyed by a belt.

One of the most significant challenges in belt weighing is to make an accurate measurement of material on a conveyor belt, through the conveyor belt. The weigh frame is located in the conveyor and it supports a length of the belt, the ‘weigh length’, but how can accurate measurements be made through the belt? The weigh frame supports the belt via idler rollers or in some cases via a slider bed. The conveyor belt rests in contact with these rolls and belt tension tends to resist the slight movements downward which the weigh frame must make to record the weight. Thus it can be understood that belt tension as it interacts with weighing frame alignment can have a dramatic effect on weigh frame accuracy.

The answer to counteracting the ‘lifting’ effect of belt tension is to build a weigh frame that is robust enough to not move significantly under the influence of belt load and which is long enough to support enough material to reduce the influence of belt tension errors. When a weigh frame is designed adequately, taking into account and compensating for a variety of factors that work against accurate weighing of the material passing over the weigh frame, the belt scale is a true weighing system, not merely an ‘indicator’.

We are also manufacturing Digital Load CellPit Type Weighbridge.

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